3D Dynamic Stretches
These 3D dynamic stretches are wonderful for injury prevention and general function. To save time, you'll only see stretches on one side (left/right) for the hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. A 3D modified "downward dog" is an added bonus!
Body Bar - Core Exercises and Stretch
This video begins with core strengthening on the floor, and ends with standing stretches, all using the body bar.
DVD Excerpt: With PIZZAZZ! Stretch
These dynamic stretches in all three planes of motion are terrific for injury prevention and mobility. (From the "With PIZZAZZ!" DVD)
DVD Excerpt: Tradition With A Twist Stretch
Stretch in all three planes of motion in this excerpt from the "Tradition With A Twist" DVD.
DVD Excerpt: FitQUICK! Stretch
The FitQUICK stretches done in all three planes of motion are a perfect way to end a workout.
DVD Excerpt: Easy Does It Stretch
The stretch portion of the "Easy Does It" workout is shown here, with a “Back Up Babe” doing all the stretches while seated.
DVD Excerpt: Older, Wiser & Wonderful Stretch
Exercises to increase range of motion and flexibility in all three planes of motion from the Older, Wiser & Wonderful DVD.
DVD Excerpt: Older & MUCH Wiser Stretch
Traditional and non-traditional dynamic stretches in all three planes of motion. Seated and standing.
DVD Excerpt: Older Wiser Workout Stretch
Relaxing, traditional, gentle stretches from the old "Older & Wiser Workout" DVD, all seen standing or seated.
DVD Excerpt: Fit At Any Age Stretch
Traditional stretches, some of which are done lying down.