Biceps + + + !
Wonderful alternatives to the basic biceps curls, including lots of movements combining 3D lunges with upper body strengtheners.
With PIZZAZZ! Strength & Balance (Synopsis)
A time-saving synopsis of balance and strength moves from the "With PIZZAZZ!" DVD.
Older Wiser Workout Series: Tradition With A Twist Strength
3D strength and balance moves -- traditional and non-traditional -- from the "Tradition With A Twist" DVD.
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DVD Excerpt: Easy Does It Strength/Balance
A range of strength and balance exercises from"Easy Does It." This clip is taken directly from the DVD, including a view of the exercises done while seated.
DVD Excerpt: Older, Wiser & Wonderful Strength
Fabulous strength training and range of motion exercises in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes.
DVD Excerpts: Older Wiser Workout Strength
Perhaps a bit outdated, yet some of these traditional strength training moves are still golden. This video is from the Older & Wiser Workout DVD filmed in 2009.
DVD Excerpt: Fit At Any Age Strength Training
Traditional strength training exercises, some of which are done lying down on the floor.